Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Engagement story

After a long courtship, Taylor finally popped the question!
How he asked
Taylor had planned a surprise trip for me on Valentines day 2011. I didn't think to much of it because we have been to plenty of "romantic" places in the past. . . Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and so forth... even though there was never any romancing, just adventure. Anyways, he surprised me and we flew into Fort Lauderdale Fl. and took a long train ride to Miami. I was very excited because I had never been to Fl. before. We walked around the city, checked into our hotel ( separate rooms of course) , and went to a local Rite Aid store to get some sun screen cause it was hot hot hot that day. Once arriving at Rite Aid, Taylor saw some cheap chintzy jewelry and said, "Go away, I want to buy you a Valentine present!" I looked at the jewelry and said, "Taylor you seriously don't have to buy me anything here, really its funny looking stuff anyways. Don't waste you money on stuff like this. Besides, you brought me to Florida! That's the best present ever!"
But he insisted, bought something, and hide in in my camera case.
So we lathered up on sunscreen and went on a beach walk and went swimming, Later that night we went to Bay side Pier. This is a cool place where they had live concerts playing Cuban music, food, beautiful boats in the harbor, and entertainment every where you went. It was my kind of place. We danced to some music, ate at a fancy sea food restaurant, got some gelato for dessert and watched the boats come in and out of the harbor, it was a beautiful night. We were all alone and Taylor asked me if I wanted my present. I forgot all about it, but of couse I was excited to see what crazy thing Taylor bought me. He told me to turn around while he got not alone the present out, but something else. I turned around, and he was holding a heart shaped card I had made for him a year ago for last Valentines. He read me the card and said he had kept it for this long because it meant alot to him what I had said in it. ( he's cute huh??!!) Then he opened up a small plastic box and there was a pair of metal reinstone queen crown earring inside. He said, " Some call me the king of my castle, will you be my queen? I love you Chelsey, look behind the earring ."
Then he got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! And there behind the earring was the ring!
I had no idea what was going on and I was speechless! First of all, that was the first time he told me he loved me, and marrage? I thought this day would never come!
I stood there for a bit and did not say anything. Taylor was a little flustered and ask, Well, will you marry me or what? of course, I said yes and cried like a baby.
What a romantic man Taylor is, I didn't know he had it in him!
Of course he asked my parents for my hand the week before, so they knew what was going on but when i told the rest of my family, they were all in shock! Taylor Ogden finally asked someone to marry him, and I'm sure glad he did. I've never been happier!

1 comment:

  1. Yay for blogs! Now I can keep up with your life and I don't feel as guilty not calling. I am not a good phone person either because I have different priorities that keep me busy. It has been fun to see your and Taylor's journey. We are so glad to have you as a part of our family. We will see in at Thanksgiving... if not before.
    Love to you,
    Heather Ogden
